Uncle Donnie's Views from Under the Bus

Hi. I'm Uncle Donnie. My family throws me under the bus regularly. I've decided to prove them all right.

These are my views, opinions and dogma. They don't represent the views of anyone but me. Whaddya gonna do? Leave the gun, take the cannoli. Lean back, drink some chianti, and enjoy my views from under the bus.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Home of the brave,land of the fleeced!

May day! May day!
Sounds like a distress signal doesn'nt it?
Back in the day it was like, Give me liberty,or give me death. Nowadays its, give me
security from cradle to grave. Give me prosperity and death to your wealth! Give me
entitlements and lets drink to my health.
It reminds me of that Robert Cray tune, I Hate Taxes; Everytime I see a 1040, outta my
pocket it goes, I Hate Taxes.
America, America, God shed His grace on thee, and crowned thy good with brotherhood,
from sea to shining sea!
Besides, it would cost the Fed too much to promote liberty. You know what I mean?
I mean who's gonna pay for this liberty stuff; it sounds really expensive?
Is liberty really worth it?
I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin.......
Uncle Donnie

Thursday, April 28, 2011


"One great event will be the destruction of the harlot church. I have just read, in
your hearing, the previous chapter, which declares the overwhelming destruction which
will fall upon that evil system. Any church which puts in the place of justification by
faith in Christ another method of salvation, is a harlot church. The doctrine of
justification by faith in Christ is the article of a standing or a falling church.
Where the blood is precious, there is life; where atonement by the sacrifice is preached
and loved, there will the Spirit of God bear effectual testimony; but where human priests
are put in the place of Jesus, where pardons can be purchased, where there is an unbloody
sacrifice instead of the great propiation, and sacraments are exalted as the means of
regeneration, there the church is no longer a chaste virgin unto Christ, but she hath
turned aside from her purity."
Uncle D has of late been studying the Revelation of John. This paragraph comes from
a sermon preached by Charles Spurgeon entitled,"The Marriage of The Lamb", Rev.19:7-8.
Gimme that old time religion; any time, every time!

Monday, April 25, 2011

She cracked me up

My daughter came up with a genius list of the ten most influential individuals of all
time. We were driving home from her place of employment, the pizza joint, and was
jokin around, and this is what resulted:
1. Jesus(pretty good start, right?)
2. Walt Disney
3. Michael Jackson
4. Hercules(what?)
5. Mr. Rogers(Hello, boys and girls)
6. George Lucas
7. My dentist(this cracked me up)
8. Sonny Bono
9. Jack Daniels(I was crying with laughter at this one)
10. The guy who invented Dairy Queen(we like ice cream)
This is where the 'off' in offspring comes from, my girl, H.Bug!
She even likes Barry Manilow and Barbara Streisand!
You rock H.
Uncle D.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

It Ain't Rocket Surgery

Hey, whatsa goin on?
Uncle D. thinks life is good! I mean all my life has been full of life, although some
may say, "Don, we definitely think your full of something,something else". You know what I mean? My middle name is mirth,and my brother is joy and sister is contentment. I said
mirth not smurf, wiseguy! The thing is I'm thankful for all the many blessings that have
come my way. The Pastor guy at church today said that thankfulness is the greater part of
worship, and if he is right, and why would'nt he be, he's the Pastor guy right,then maybe
Uncle D. worships a little better than he thought he did....you get my meaning?
I'm not trying to make myself all spiritual and such, on account of, there's no place for
self glory, capisci mi? I think the light just came on and hit me! Mamma Mia,it ain't
rocket surgery, right!
Don't get me wrong, Uncle D is not exactly perfect, contrary to what youse might think.
Many times my conscience has been pierced by usurping lusts and paralyzing imperfections.
(did I just say that?). It's like Sinatra said...( Each time I find myself laying flat
on my face. I just pick myself up, and get back in the race....that's life). Whattaya
Gonna Do?

There is a fountain filled with blood
Drawn from Emmanuels' veins
And sinners plunged beneath that flood
Lose all their guilt and stains

Under the blood

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Masters weekend

Uncle D. just finished watching the Masters. Great tournament! Anyone of ten guys hadda
chance at gettin it done, but just one guy Schwartsel, from S. Africa, got the prize.
I was pullin for T. Woods, who played good enough for a tie for third. It was fun to
Looks like the Seattle Mariners are out of the pennant race early again. What are we in,
the second week of the season, and already 2 and 9? Baseball is a simple game with three,
count em three, elements; pitching, hitting, and defense. Looks like the team from up
north has not one of these elements....go away Seattle, you are unwatchable.

All in all Uncle D. hadda great weekend with a lotta laughter and good times provided by
my friends, Zac, the littlest fraulein, Armstrong,aka, Don Sparky, and his family on
Friday night, and Mr. and Mrs.Takashi, he aint no fugazi Woods, at our card game on Sat.
night. Friends are good right? I'm pretty sure Jesus wants us to have friends, you know
what I mean?

Here are few really dumb gangster movies:
Married to the mob
Corky Romano
The Untouchables
Shark Tales