Uncle Donnie's Views from Under the Bus

Hi. I'm Uncle Donnie. My family throws me under the bus regularly. I've decided to prove them all right.

These are my views, opinions and dogma. They don't represent the views of anyone but me. Whaddya gonna do? Leave the gun, take the cannoli. Lean back, drink some chianti, and enjoy my views from under the bus.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Its Not For Me To Say

 Hey Pallies,
Uncle D. has another Mathis tune for you.
Its Not For Me To Say
Its not for me to say, you love me
Its not for me to say you'll always care
Oh, but here for the moment, I can hold you fast
And press your lips to mine, and dream that love will last
As far  as I can see this is  heaven, and speaking just
for me its ours to share
Perhaps the glow of love will grow with every passing
day....or we may never meet again, but then....
Its not for me to say
Kind of in a Mathis mood, you know what  I mean?
Lately its been Mathis, Merlo, and Marinara, capisci mi?
Oh Yeah, and spumoni, right?

Saturday, November 3, 2012

What Would It Profit A Man If........

"That blessed martyr Bersesius, see what a way he had to heaven for professing
the Christian religion. The persecutors came to him, and because he would not
deny the truth they struck all his body members out of joint; and when they had done that,
 they made wounds in all parts of his body. Then they brought iron combs that had been
sharpened, and so raked them upon his body that had been thus wounded; and when they
had done that, they laid him upon an iron grate, and with instruments of iron opened
those wounds. After that they melted hot burning salt, and strewed it upon those
wounds, and then they came with hot irons and seared him with those. After that they
dragged him by the heels into a dungeon where they prepared sharp shells, and there
he lay and perished."Here is one who went to heaven upon hard terms", you will say.
But God does not call you to do so, but merely to deny yourselves in some base lust,
in some sinful and ungodly way, in something that you may spare as easily as you
would the water out of your shoes, as we used to say."
From The World Is Not Worth A Single Soul, Jeremiah Burroughs.
Uncle Donnie

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October Blurr

HiYa Pallies,
How is life treatin you? Good I hope. The thing is October has
been just one big blurr, you know what I mean. I mean whattayagonnado?
Lets Review:
Prostate cancer diagnosis....it is what it is!
Brand new granddaughter; she'saso beautiful, bella bambino.
New Church membership at a church whose Pastor guy reminds me
of Burt Reynolds; on my childrens grave....sometimes I'm thinkin the
sermon is from Smokey And The Bandit, you know what I mean?
At least the World Series was short, fuggetaboudit, what happened to
the Yankees(I mean losers).
Did I ever tell you Uncle Donnie loves peaches?
Jeremiah Burroughs rocks!
Uncle Donnie

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hold Your Nose And Vote For.........

Hey it's late September and I really should be back at school.Steal my daddys cue and make
a livin playin pool. Thanks to you Rodney Stewart. Uncle Donnie always kinda liked
Rodney Stewart, you know what I mean?
Gotta few things for your consideration. First thing is what are beets good for anyway. They
taste like dirt, am I right? You can take the beets outta the earth, but you can't take the earth
outta the beets! See where I'm goin here. Raw, cooked, boiled, anyway you have them
they always taste like dirt.
Second thing is this upcoming presidential thing, right? Well, my advice to you is to hold
your nose and vote for the Mormon, I mean the republican. Even with a name like Mitt, I
doubt he could catch a break here and win. I really don't want four more yrs. of comrade
Obama though, capisci mi?
Last thing is I heard about this young mother recently who tried to kill two birds with
one stone and attached a swiffer mop to her crawling crumb cruncher(read little one).
She figured she might as well get her floors done and exercise the little bambino,


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Move Like Jagger

Hey, how you doin?
Long time no see. Whattaya been doin with yourselves lately?
Me, I've been busy with this thing and that thing. You know what I mean?
Went to see my people on the east coast recently; you know family stuff,
grandkids,daughter, son-in-law, food. It was all good. Had some good arancini
in Cape Cod Mass.. Heard this story about how my grandaughter  is such
an efficient 'pooper'. Apparently, she gets in the bathroom and gets her business
done very quickly. Her dad was saying how he wished he could poop that  effeciently!
We all laughed at his telling the story but all I could think of was that Adam Levin
tune, I gotta move like Jagger.Uncle D bein who he is was hearing in his mind.....
I gotta poop like Lily, I gotta poop like Lily,oooooooo, poop like Lily.
Probably gonna get some grief about this retelling.
Fuggetaboudit! Whats done is done. I can't take it back.
Anyways the chowdah and the lobstah was ahsome(read awesome).
Uncle D.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

I've Been Everywhere Man

Hows come every time Uncle Donnie listens to the radio or the T.V. all he
seems to hear about is trouble in the Muslim world. I mean I've just about jihad
enough already. Now the Libyans have killed our ambassader and four others, and
destroyed our embassy there to their shame. Shame on you, you heathen sons of Esau.
Your blood should be running in the streets of Tripoli, this very hour for what you have done.
Better just leave it there Don. Don't you think?
Have you heard about Scarbucks coffee? It'll leave a mark on you, you know what I mean?
How do I know this thing?
Well, I've been everywhere man, in my underwear man. I've been everywhere man
Without my underwear man. I've been everywhere.
Thanks to John Cash for the inspiration.
Gonna play some no-limit Scrabble later on.
Uncle Donnie

Friday, August 31, 2012

Good-bye August

Hi Ya Pallies,
Uncle Donnie cannot believe that tomorrow is the 1st of September! I mean
where has all the time gone? Seems like summer came and went pretty fast.
Anyways, life is good, God is patient, Betty is still my oasis, and I remain
ever thirsty....."stay thirsty my friends"! Heard many of the speeches from
the RNC convention, really liked Chris Christie, governor of NJ. Maybe it
is because he is half Sicilian that had somethin to do with it, I dunno! The
other half of the governor is Irish....I'll pray for him, you know what I mean?
Condoleesa Rice reminded me again why I lean more to the libertarian worldview!
Dirty Harry was entertaining, and Huckabee was right on, I thot.
I thought Paul Ryan reminded me of Bryan Hangartner. Itsa long story!
Hey, I gotta go!
Good-bye August,
Uncle Donnie

Monday, August 27, 2012

Tough Month

Long time, no see,It's me Uncle D.
Everyone been good? Coupla things, then I gotta go. Seems me and the
trophy wife, Betty, are off  for a little r and r, you know what I mean?
From drizzle to sizzle, a little Warm Springs time, fun in the sun, right?
Been a tough month, my mom had a heart attack, so we have been a little
preoccupied. She's improving every day, so that's good. Time to escape for
a few, we need it?
We did have some fun recently. We went with our friends, Takashi,the card
whisperer and Mrs. Woods to a summer concert of Blues music. We heard
Buddy, the six-time grammy winner Guy, Johnny Lang, and this new kid
Quinn Sullivan, who blew our socks off with his guitar play. Fuggetaboudit,
the kid is only 13 years old, and he plays the guitar just like ringing a bell!
Can youse believe it is the end of August already?
Hey, stay outta trouble and I'll be talkin to youse soon, whattayagonnado,
not listen to me? You'll listen, trust me, I know these things.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Certain Smile

Uncle D has been singing Mathis tunes, so here is another favorite...A Certain
A certain smile, a certain face
Can lead an unsuspecting heart on a merry chase
A fleeting glance can say so many lovely things
Suddenly you know why my heart sings

You love awhile and when love goes
You try to hide the tears inside with a cheerful pose
But in the hush of night exactly like a bittersweet refrain
Comes that certain smile to haunt your heart again

You love awhile and when love goes
You try to hide the tears inside with a cheerful pose
But in the hush of night exactly like a bittersweet refrain
Comes that certain smile to haunt your heart again

Uncle Donnie

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Lo Sto Imparando

Uncle Donnie is esausto!(worn out) Worked real hard today; what am I, nuts or
something? A man my age workin that hard, fuggetaboudit! Not gonna complain
though, I mean I could be not workin, right? And then that would not be optimum,
more like below average, you know what I mean? Life is always a challenge. Different
day different challenge capisci mi? Yet, lo sto imparando,(I am learning). It is like
spending time in the garden and trying to remember all the names of the beautful
plants and flowers. Lo sto imparando. Sometimes I can't tell the differnce between a
a begonia and a geranium,or a hydranga from a weigala. Good news though, I can
now recognize a fuschia....go Donnie go! Whattamygonnado?
Lo sto imparando! You can teach an old Don new tricks!
And now I leave you with this for your tomorrow...
abbia una bella giornata
Have a nice day.
Uncle Donnie

Thursday, July 26, 2012

She 'Pencils'

How you doin?
Uncle Donnie has got a new word for you. Kakistocracy. Look it up and we will
talk later. Couldn't believe my eyes....badabing, there it was right there. To think
we were really a democracy; as crazy as that is, and now to believe we might
really just be a kakistocracy is freakin weird, you know what I mean?
I made a roasted turkey pot pie last week. We ate it.
I told my trophy wife Betty yesterday that she 'penciled', you know worked out,
done good, worth the investment, probably gonna keep her, know what I mean?
She made me tuna casserole! Uncle Donnie loves tuna casserole.Fuggetaboudit!
I could eat it every day....maybe not. Wattaya think? Everyday or every other day?
Coupla weeks ago I made some new meatballs with veal, ground steak, and a little
pork sausage. They didn't last very long,whattayagonnado! Whats done is done!
103 days to the general election.
Olympics this weekend.
Ichiro playin for the Yankees.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

There Is Work To Be Done

Come va mi amici'

Uncle Donnie ran across this paragraph from Burroughs commentary on Hosea.
"It is the usual way of those idolaters who forsake the true worship of God, to
give themselves up to the pleasures of the flesh. Sensuality and idolatry usually
go together. When the people of Israel sacrificed to the calves, what did they?
They ate and drank, and rose up to play; that was all their work, and good
enough for the worshipping of such a god, a calf. You know the more we began
to decline in the worship of God, we began to be more sensual; there must be
proclamation to people to take their sports and delights upon the Lord's day; and
indeed it usually accompanies defection in the way of God's worship. False
worship lays not such bonds upon men's consciences for the mortifying the lusts
of the flesh as the worship of God does. Therefore those men who love to give
liberty to the flesh are soonest enticed to ways of superstitious worship. Jeremeiah,
in chapter xxiv.9, sets forth the state of those naughty Jews that were in captivity
by the similitude of a basket of rotten figs; which is agreeable to this interpretation,
that Israel was as Gomer the daughter of Diblaim, that is, rotteness, the daughter
of sensuality."
So, I begin to wonder if my worship is corrupt if not accompanied by the mortifying
of my flesh, and the corruption therein!
Marone, I gotta lot of work to do, you know what I mean?


Monday, July 9, 2012


I know its been awhile since Uncle Donnies last correspondence, whattayagonnado, I mean
its not like I've been busy or nothing right. Here is a quick update; Italian beer, Peroni to be
exact; Mikes hard  mango punch with a shot of vodka and an occasional sip of red wine. There
you have Uncle D's last week and a half. It's all good, we mixed in a few great meals,and spent time with the usual cast of criminals,and played a lotta cards....it's what we do capisci mi?
Kinda reminds me of Fredo asking Michael(Godfather II)," how do you say banana daquiri in
spanish?.......Banana daquiri, por favor!" I love that movie! Anyways, its hot, its July, and life is
good! What can I say?
Uncle Donnoe

Friday, June 29, 2012

An Old Friend

Hey, Pallies,
Is there anything better than an old friend? Uncle D. says no! That's why I've been
spending some time with the Heidelberg Catechism recently. In the book of Isaiah,
chapter 49, verse 13  declares "Shout for joy, O heavens! And rejoice , O earth!!
Break forth into joyful shouting, O mountains! For the Lord has comforted His
people, and will have compassion on His afflicted.
My old friend asks,"What is your only comfort in life and death?":
That I, with body and soul, both in life and death, am not my own, but belong
unto my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ; who with His precious blood has fully
satisfied for all my sins, and delivered me from all the power of the devil; and
so preserves me that without the will of my heavenly Father not a hair can fall
from my head; yea, that all things must be subservient to my salvation, wherefore
by His Holy Spirit He also assures me of eternal life, and makes me heartily
willing and ready, henceforth, to live for Him.
I think Jesus would have you introduced to this good old friend of mine.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

We Didn't Start The Fire

HiYa Pallies,
Uncle Donnie has been hearing this phrase alot lately,"are you on fire for the Lord?"
Maybe coz I heard a sermon on Rev. 3 regarding the church at Laodociea, who was
neither hot or cold, you remember it right? Anyways, I've been thinkin  how hot is  this
fire supposed to be with Jesus? Is it supposed to be smelting hot like steel melting or
campfire hot for hot dogs or maybe candle hot, you know wax melting hot, I dunno!
Somebody smarter than I can help me, but I don't think I've ever read from the Scriptures
about being on fire for Jesus. Call me crazy, call me goofy, whatever; just explain to me
where this terminology comes from! I hear phrases like "be fervent in spirit, devoted to
one another, serving the Lord". I read about the refining fires and the fires of hell and of
judgement; I get all those, you know what I mean? I know how many saints were in history
literally on fire for the Lord in their martyrdoms, and I know that one of the fruits of the
Spirit is not being on fire for Jesus. Nothing in the Sermon on the Mount about it , and
where is being on fire for Jesus found in the epistles? Help me out here?
What I do know is that even a smoking flax(Isa.42) he will not quench!
I know that if I love Him I will keep His commandments.
I know that these commandments are not burdensome.
I know the two greatest commanndments.
I know that to Love is the fulfilling of the Law.
I know to be an imitator of Christ as a little child.
I know if I confess Him before men, He will confess me before His Father in heaven.
I know that greater love has no man than to love his neighbor as himself.
That's probably enough, although much much more could be quoted from Holy Writ
regarding our responsiblities communicated in concrete, and tangible terms.
I'm not sayin....I'm just sayin, leave us keep our speech Bible speech! You know
what I mean?

Uncle Donnie

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Don't Put Kepitch On Your Busgetti

When Uncle Donnie was just a bambino and not to familiar with human communication(makes
you wonder about non-human communication, doesn't it?) he was used to words like kepitch....
"hey could you pass the kepitch, I need it for my hangaber". Just figured that everybody put
kepitch on their hangeber, know what I mean? My mom would often open up a can of Franco-
American busgetti and we would eat it with peanut butter toast....I can still taste it after all those
years. Ocassionally she would make us busgetti and meatballs...we ate it, you know what I mean?
If any of us kids got sick we were accustomed to hear this diagnosis, "Oh my, you gotta bad
case of rectopupilitis", better get you to the Dr. quick! To this day that term makes me sick and
laugh at the same time. They(my parents) often told us not to worry about the dog licking us in
the face, because as everyone knows a dogs mouth is cleaner than a human mouth. Which always
bothered me coz I would often see our dog lick himself, lick his own vomit, lick other dogs, lick
other animals poop, lick anything vile and repugnant! That dogs mouth shoulda been quarantined,
capisci, mi! For all I knew the dog had rectopupilitis and thats why all the unholy licking, right?
Don't let that dog lick you! He might have rectopupilitis! Then you'll get it and start licking
things that you shouldn't be licking. Hey sonny whats wrong with your dog there? Don't worry
Mister, he's just a poop licking sufferer of rectopupilitis!
Whattayagonnado, is there any wonder why Uncle D. ended up being a few fries short of a
happy meal?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

It's All Good.....Right!

So Uncle Donnie went to the grocery today and came out with seven lbs.
of ground beef, two bottles of cabernet, eight packages of taco sauce mix,
and one box of mini Haagen-Dasz bars; very eclectic wouldn't you say?
It's like a beautiful thing when I hafta go to the grocery store, you know
what I mean? Uncle D. is, let's say very Ecclesiastes like, you know that
right? "Go eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart;
for God has already accepted your works."  "Live joyfully with the wife
whom you love all the days of your vain life which He has given you under the
sun"....."Here is what I have seen: it is good and fitting for one to eat and
drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labor in which he toils under the sun
all the days of his life which God gives him; for it is his heritage. As for every
man to whom God has given riches and wealth, and given him power to eat of
it, to receive his heritage and rejoice in his labor---this is the gift of God. For
he will not dwell unduly on the days of his life, because God keeps him busy
with the joy of his heart."
Uncle D is a very  busy guy! You know what I mean?
And the conclusion to this whole matter is this:
"Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man's all.
For God will bring every work into judgement, including every secret thing.
Whether good or evil.
A Dopo,
Uncle Donnie
P.S. Happy Birthday H.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Hatfields and McCoys

O.K., so here it is the last day of May 2012 and Uncle Donnie is waiting to see the finale
of The Hatfields and McCoys on the history channel. Kinda reminds me of  the volcano
(New York City) back in the day when you had two families competin for primacy, if you
know what I'm saying. Drinkin, smokin, killin, thievin, corrupt officials and corrupt lawmen,
gamblin, payoffs, extortion, you name it, it happened. Doesn't matter if it was the eighteenth,
century or the nineteenth century, the twentieth too...this stuff has been happenin for a long
time and more than likely will continue till the day of judgement. Am I right, or what?
Anyways, Kevin Costner plays the head of the Hatfield clan and Bill Paxton, the head of
the McCoys, and both do a real believable job in their portrayals of the heads of two very
pathetic families. I mean these two families could give the Manson family a run for its money,
you know what I mean? I mean there was no toleration of the intolerance each had for one another!
Did I just say that? Should I tolerate the intolerance of others, or not? WhattamIgonnado?
Whattayagonnado? I'm confused; me too! HELLLLLLLLLLLP!
Maybe June will be better!


Sunday, May 27, 2012

I Make No Apologies

Hiya pallies,
Let's talk Espanol . I know your thinking,"I deent (that's Spanish for didn't) know that
senior Donnie liked to cook Mexican food"! Au contrair, Uncle D. loves this sort
of cuisine, and so does his trophy wife Betty. This girl could eat Mexican almost like
she can eat Italiano, you know what I mean? Why just this past week Betty made this
killer chicken tortilla soup. Maybe I shouldn't use the term killer; anyways the soup wassa
so good, and I have had it about tree, four times this very week, fuggetaboudit! We like
Mexican, what can I say! But last night after our card game with the Woods, now this is about
10:00, she asks if I would make her this frittata(back to the Italiano), right. So whattamIgonnado,
not make it, I made the thing, right! Only she wants like broccoli and swiss cheese,and ham, and onions
in it. The works, right? I'm honored, right, that the master would ask the apprentice to do
this thing. Did I mention the peppers? So I chopped all this stuff up and put it in the fridge
and got up this morning, before church and made her this thing. We hadda nice Sun. breakfast
and I think we enjoyed it. No, I know we enjoyed it, every Sun. morning is like this, only most
times we have a mimosa or three, just to get things workin, you know what I mean?
It is what it is. I make no apologies.

Uncle Donnie

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sweaty Bettys And Fresh Hot Brownies

Uncle Donnie has about three maybe four good books he's been reading lately, and
surprisingly, some have been written by guys who are still alive. Will wonders never
cease? I mean for D. to read somebody who ain't dead is quite rare, you know what
I mean? I even had a friend tell me recently that I read too many Puritan authors.
Fuggetaboudit, as if that were possible. Anyways, he recommended a book entitled,
Renovation of the Church; What Happens When A Seeker Church Discovers Spiritual
Formation, by Kent Carlson and Mike Lueken. They tell their story about changing from
a 'consumer' ministry to a discipleship ministry and all the fallout and blessing that ensued
therein. Uncle D. hadda read about a hundred pages before he got some personal application
but like a ton of bricks it hit me and was made very personal to the point of asking some
threatening questions. Uncomfortable, but necessary, if you get my meaning.
I also reread a book by O. Palmer Robertson, entitled The Israel Of God; Yesterday,
Today, And Tomorrow.(My trophy wife Betty just brought me a freshly baked, still warm
brownie, delicioso B., Oh, did I tell you about the best beer to come out of Colorado?
Sweaty Betty is the name, Mamma Mia......goes widdout sayin, right?) This book answers
the question, what part if any does ethnic Israel play in the culmination of history, It has
always been of help to me concerning eschatology. You should get a copy!
Now to my favorite, Gospel Revelation; Finding Worth In Knowing Christ, by Jeremiah
Burroughs. We have our identity, our heritage, and our future in Christ. I'm thinkin that
the seeker church leaders mentioned earlier shoulda read this Puritan dead guy, and maybe
they did, I dunno. If Christlikeness is possible and is the result of a pursuit of holiness; and
it is, then this is the book for spiritual transformation. This is a must read, period!
Gotta go,
Uncle Donnie

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Everybody Must Get Stoned

Recently, Uncle Donnie,his trophy wife Betty, and a bunch of paesani made the trek to
Kah-Nee-Tah hot springs for a four day suare' in the sun. Marone, whatta time we had!
You know what I mean? Maybe I'm about eight cents short of a dime most of the time,
but we had ourselves a stellar time; what with the pool and the golf and eats and drinks
and fun, I mean, whattayagonnado? Your gonna enjoy it. That's what your gonna do!
And enjoy it I did. So, I had one of those stone massages, where they rub these hot stones
all over you. Mamma Mia, it wassa so good! Now Uncle Donnie has never been stoned,
if you catch my meaning, but I was a little rubber-legged after that trip to the spa.
Nothing that a coupla of adult beverages could'nt remedy, right? Fuggetaboudit!
Takashi, he ain't no fugazi Woods, and Mrs. Woods were there. Our old friends Mason
and Mrs. I can eat alot of fry bread, Bledsoe were there. Don Sparky and Signora Sparky
were in attendance, as were my secondi daughter and my son-in-law,B.Shitzel. If youse
ever wanna have a good time, take this bunch witchoo(with you), capisci.
See ya around,
P.s. secondi daughter with child, a little girl.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Fed In The Red Is Next To Dead

In 1961, President John Kennedy said,"We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet
any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and
success of liberty." If he meant that fifty years ago, he must be rollin over in his grave
about the condition of our country today.Without knowing, he was talking about our
biggest foe now.....the Federal government. The reality of unlimited government is upon us.
We are paying a ridiculous price for a burdensome government, and facing imminent
hardship from within. Our liberties are diminished in direct proportion to the unsatiable
desires of big government, and our survival is in doubt, to say the least! Not what you
were expecting, eh John? Me neither! Uncle Donnie was eight years old when this quote
was made. That would have put me in the third grade, at a time when we still practised
civil defense drills at school, where for a brief time you hadda set under your desk in
case the commies dropped the bombs, you know what I mean? The Big Red Scare,right?
Today we are scared of the BIG RED alright.....the fact that our country is in the red
fiscally is way more dangerous than the Ruskies taking over our country back in the day.
When Uncle Donnie was eight the average citizen owed nothing to pay back the national
debt coz there wasn't one; a national debt that is. Oh, how far we've come, marona mia!
Today the average eight yr. old owes the federal government, oh I dunno, maybe a hundred
thou or so.......What? O.K., maybe my numbers are off a little, but not by much.
I remember some people used to say, "well, I'd rather be Red than dead!"
The reality today is that the Fed in the Red is next to Dead!
Uncle D.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Justa Kiddin Around

Come va,
Hey, where did the last twenty or so years go? I mean is it possible that Uncle D. is
gettin older; better for sure, older to. I can remember when I was like thirty-nine, right,
and didn't walk with a limp. I can remember a limpless life, you know what I mean?
I can remember a life without glucosamine and piles of ibuprovnik, which is Russian
for ibuprofin; when I could actually drink milk and have some ice cream, without having
my bowels suffer. I can remember a time when I never thought about my bowels; vowels
maybe, but not bowels! Marone, thats me, the ancient one, the geriatric Uncle Donnie,
whattayagonna do? I remember  when dysfunction was all about families and not about......
well, you know what I mean! I remember a time when I could actually read without glasses,
and preferred to drive at night. What!!!!! And now I have to wear a sleep mask sose I
can fall asleep.There was a time when I could literally look down and see my toes...
fuggetaboudit! Used to be I could eat just about any thing without consequence; now,
my closest friend is heartburn, capisci mi? They say when an athelete gets a little older,
he's a step slower now......sheesh, I'm about a step-ladder slower, you know what I mean?
I wouldn't know what to do if I wasn't so pretty.....and funny!
Just kiddin Pals,
Ancient Donnie

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Gospel Worship

"Second, remember that when you come to worship God you come to set yourself
before the Lord in those ways in which God lets out the choicest of His mercies to
His people. You have many mercies from God in the enjoyment of the creature, but
when you come to worship Him, you may expect the communication of His mercy in
another way than through any creature in the world. The duties of worship are the chief
channels through which God lets out the choicest of His mercies to the hearts of His
people. And when you are going to worship Him, you are going to present yourself
before God. Indeed, there is a little glimmering of the light of God through other
creatures to you, but the glorious beams of the light of God come through the duties of
And then, third, you are now going to act your soul upon God, so that if you have any
ability to close with God, to act your soul upon Him, it must be put forth now at this
time. You are indeed, at all times to labor to enjoy communion with God. When you see
the creatures, the sun, moon, and stars, you are to labor to lift your heart to God, just
as when you see the glory of God in the sea. And for your meat and drink, you are to
bless God and to acknowledge God in all. But when you come to worship God, then
all the strength of your soul is to be acted upon God in a more special manner. You
must then, above all, labor to stir up whatsoever you have in your soul to act upon
God. This is to worship God."
Jeremiah Burroughs
Worship Worthy Of God

Sunday, April 22, 2012

They Say It's Your Birthday

Ciao Bella,
Uncle Donnie is in a fair state this day, on account of it's warm and dry outside, and we are
celebrating my trophy wife Bettys birthday. To be honest, the celebration is gonna last all
weekend, you know what I mean? I mean how often can you get to celebrate for the last
thirteen years Bettys 45th? This is the life we've chosen and whats done is done....birthdays
are good right? She is in the kitchen right now, cookin up some prawns and some other
delicacies, and then we are gonna go see a movie, have some adult beverages, and basically
chill; after that it's cake, you know what I mean? Of course you do, this ain't rocket surgery,
right?  Oh, yeah, just in case you was wondering we purchased several Azaleas this week-
end to plant in our yard....like you would buy Azaleas and not plant them in your yard! Thing
is you have to plant them for them to look like they are supposed to look like when planted
in your yard, capisci mi? Sunday we are gonna prepare halibut alla diavola, a great dish, for
the final installment of the birthday weekend. More than likely a Mimosa or six may be involved,
and then we can spend the rest of the work week recuperating....whattayagonnado?


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Baby You Can Fly My Car

Hey, How you doin?
Uncle Donnie was driving down the interstate the other day and this wild thought
comes into his mind, like what if all these automobiles could just take off and start flying.
I promise I wasn't drinking or smoking those funny cigarettes or nothing. I just imagined
what might happen if you could drive and fly your car! Lennon and Mcartney would have written, "baby you can fly my car", you know what I mean? Or the other guy who wrote, "baby your
gonna drive me to drinkin, if you don't stop flying that hot rod Lincoln"!  I know, it souinds just
a little fatootst, but I thought aboudit just the same. Whattayagonnado, whats done is done!
I mean sometimes weird stuff comes into my mind, capisci mi? Its all good, I figure that all
things always work themselves out, me being the eternal optometrist and all!
Sounds a little squirrely; I'll give you squirrely, Lennon also wrote, "Imagine theres no heaven,
its easy if you try". Hey John, hows that working out for you now pal? A bit waggish, don't
you think?
Be nice Don! Show a little respect!
Iv'e always loved Aretha.
A Dopo,

Monday, April 9, 2012


Uncle Donnie witnessed a few unusual things this past weekend.
I actually experienced this first one when my third daughter played a Miley
Cyrus song. I thought that it sounded like the musical equivalent to breaking wind,
and I almost vomited in my mouth.
I saw at church a particular worshiper doing  a Joe Cocker impression during a
worship song.....that was weird!
I heard my first Johnny Cash tune played at church,with the song leader describing
it as a "dirty blues song". I know your thinking must be Portland Right?
I saw a man baptize his wife, a wife baptize her husband, and two little kids swimming
in the baptistry after being baptized. It's all good though, you know what I mean?
We had a very nice Easter Sunday with friends and family, with a lot of
great food and a few too miny martoonies; Whattayagonnado, it was a nice warm
Uncle D.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Gospel Worship

"Learn what it is that you do when you come to worship God, and consider it
every time you come to perform any act of worship.  Truly this one thing would
be of marvelous use, and it would help forward to the next point of sanctifying
God's name.  You are all convinced of this, that it is your duty to worship God.
When you pray, you come to worship God.  When you come to hear His Word,
you come to worship Him.  And when you receive the sacrament, you worship
Now if I should come from one end of the congregation to the other and ask
every one of you this question, "It is your duty to worship God, is it not?"you
would all be ready to answer,"Yes!" And what do you do when you worship God?
I fear that this second question would perplex many of you.
You will say, "We must pray to God and serve Him, hear His Word and go to
communion," Yes, but what do your souls do in this work of worshipping God?
This should be the answer, and so you should think to yourselves and charge this
upon your own hearts: "I am now going to worship God, either in prayer, Word,
or sacraments.  I am now going to tender up that homage that is due from the
creature to the infinite Creator, so that I must so pray as I must manifest that high
respect that I owe to God as my Creator."  But to that I shall speak more afterward.
For now, only remember that you go to tender up that homage that you owe unto
God; and so every time you come to hear the Word, there is a profession that you
come to tender up that respect and homage that you owe the infinite God.  And
so it is likewise when you come to receive the sacrament."
Jeremiah Burroughs
Gospel Worship, Worship Worthy of God

Uncle D.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Uncle Donnie Lives

Uncle Donnie lives!
 Been gone for a few on account of me and my trophy wife Betty travelled down to
sunny South Florida to see our people(grandchildren). We had a great visit, the weather was warm,
we hung out by the pool a lot, and did a lot of catching up, you know what I mean?
We witnessed first hand the Weston Burp and Fart Club......you would'nt believe it if I
told you! Kinda reminded me of the Irishman who said," We had no part in the institution of
farting, but as sure as I'm standin here, over the years we certainly had a hand in perfectin it"
Did I tell you we ate down at the Irish Pub twice when we were there? Its all part of the story, you
know what I mean? Try to keep up, it ain't that hard, sheesh.
I almost forgot, we went to this little Italian grocery, and I thought I was in heaven, Marone, we
bought some Italian sausage, a little vino, some provolone, a little red sauce, some veggies, some
bread, and we took it home and ate it. We fried up some peppers and onions....it wassa so good!
The whole stay reminded me of this Sicilian proverb:
True wealth comes from a good family and good friends
Itsa good to be home but I'd rather be back in sunny South Florida.

Uncle D.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

I Can Cook and I Can Dance......

Our house smells good today on account of the potato soup I made, and the
corned beef my trophy wife Betty made. Great Irish day and a great Irish meal,
whattayagonnado? Betty has been teaching me how to cook for the past ten
years or so, and every day I get a little better.I know I'm a better cook than a
card player, but since I'm a horrible card player, that could mean my cooking is
barely edible, you know what I mean? Let's just leave it at this;I can cook, and I
can dance, but cards.....fuggetaboudit! We have a lot of fun in the kitchen,but honestly,
if I were to teach her how to play golf, it would more than likely turn out just like
playing cards, and I would end up suicidal! She can't beat me in everything, can she?
Did I tell you that she has always been an oasis for me? You know, a beautiful fruitful
garden in the middle of a gynormous sand trap. That's Betty.
It is what it is.
Try the veal, I'll be here all week!
Uncle Donnie

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Longer, Lighter, Warmer

Ciao Amici,
Here it is after 7 pm and it is still light outside. Uncle Donnie likes longer days as
long as lighter goes along for the ride. Longer and lighter days are good days. Now
if we could throw in warmer with lighter and longer then we have hit the trifecta. With
this trifecta we are approaching great days, you get my meaning? I mean who would
choose shorter, darker and colder? Maybe some reptiles, maybe a coupla mollusks or
a few amphibians, but not too many mammals, right?  Correct me if I'm mistaken, humans
are mammals  right? I thought so. This human mammal prefers the longer, lighter, and
warmer motif, you know what I mean?
So we were playing cards the other night with Takashi, he ain't no fugazi Woods, and
Mrs. Woods, and we were layin it on the girls pretty hard. After one hand Takashi says
"ain't I durable"? We said, "what"? He says durable, thinking he's saying adorable. The
girls say durable maybe, but forget about the adorable! We laughed hard at the durable
Mr. Woods....again!

I love Pacific Standard Time, this time of year.

Uncle D

Monday, March 5, 2012

I'm Smart and I Want Respect

Good day to all my friends across this great country of ours. Uncle Donnie
would have success and happiness be yours this day and every day and that
contentment and peace mark each and every one who might hear me this day.
I  am not full of crap, though some might judge otherwise; I am sincere, as much
as I can be, when I say that I wish all to be well and prosperous in all  endeavors.
Marone, that all sounded fairly serious right? Uncle D. is not always after a laugh.
I can be serious, not like people say...I'm smart, and I want respect.(Fredo Corleone,
Godfather II). Did you know that DeNiro won the Academy Award in, I think,
1974 for his portrayal as young Vito Corleone in the Godfather II. He was the only
winner not having an English speaking role. Thats right, he spoke a particular Sicilian
dialect, and all in Italian, and he won. It was a beautiful thing, you know what I mean?
I also recently heard that a new movie is in the offing about John Gotti, and that John
Travolta is gonna play Gotti. I can't wait!
Did I tell you I like peaches?
Whats done is done.
Merry Days,
Uncle D.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Messages, Messengers, And Methods

So Betty and I went to a new church today and enjoyed the worship services. The pastor
guy had a good sermon,and the music was good. We had actually listened to a few of the
pastor guys sermons previously and  liked what he had to say and how he delivered it. It's funny sometimes how the method is as important as the message and how sometimes the message is
blurred by the messenger, you know what I mean? I mean sometimes two different pastor
guys, preaching the same sermon, could elicit very different responses; whattayagonnado?
Anyways, this guy said something so true I actually remembered......he said"we don't derive
our identity from things we have done or by things done to us in the past, but our identity is
derived from what Jesus has done for us and in us....and in this we find who we really are!"
Obviously, you haven't the context for that statement,but it rings true anyway, right'
It reminded me of the old hymn, Only Trust Him:
Come every soul by sin oppressed
There is mercy with the Lord
And He will surely give you rest
By trusting in His Word
Only trust Him, Only trust Him,Only trust Him now
He will save you, He will save you, He will save you now


Thursday, February 23, 2012

I Like Peaches

So lets talk about peaches! Seems like a good idea to talk about peaches, right? Why not
talk about peaches? Uncle Donnie likes peaches! Plain and simple peaches are the  best and
D. could eat them every day. Like Golum and his 'precious', Donnie has his 'peaches', what
can I say ? Was it Steve Miller who said,"really like your peaches, want to shake your tree".
That may be another story, but it does'nt take away from the real issue that peaches  are the
bomb, you know what I mean? One of my favorite R&B groups was Peaches and Herb,
remember that duo......."reunited coz it feels so good, reunited coz you understood.....there's
one perfect fit and sugar this one is it"; remember that . Fuggetaboudit, that was music, you
know what I mean?
Hey, did youse know that there are seven food groups? That's right seven: Pizza, Pasta,
Provelone, Pancetta, Pecorino, Pistachio, Parmesano and Pesca(peaches), and gum; which
makes eight, but who's counting capisci mi? And you thought there were only four food
groups......snap out of it already! In Uncle Donnies world  anything can happen and usually
does. Marone, it ain't easy being Uncle Donnie......you know what I mean?

Peaches Rock

Thursday, February 16, 2012

In A State Of Nature

Thing is our lives(me and Betty) have been a little different lately on account of us
being empty nesters and all, you know what I mean? With our youngest daughter off
away at college things have been , well, a little quieter for one thing and a whole lot more
private, if you get my meaning, My trophy wife Betty even asked me the other day, "what did
we do before we had kids"? I did'nt say it, but I felt like saying, oh you mean when  Coolidge
was President? Whattaya think we did? You chased me naked all around the house after work,
day in and day out for years! I mean ain't that what everybody did when Coolidge was President?
Fuggetaboudit! I mean seriously, nakedness was a part of our pre-kids life, and chances are(thanks
J. Mathis) nakedness will be a part of our post-kids life. I mean naked is as naked does, right?
Forgive me, should I offend your sensibilities, and please don't run off in a huff,
Just because Uncle D  likes to live in the buff.
Remember it ain't against the law to spend a little time in the raw.
Howsabout this one.......there is no crudity regarding nudity!
One for the times.....check the weather when you go out in the altogether.
That should just about cover it, you know what I mean?
Marone, that should get me to the couch tonight!

Nice knowin ya'
Uncle Donnie

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

History And A Well Seasoned Marinade

Uncle Donnie has been pondering three words lately; the word history, the word marinade,
and the word seasonings. History because my trophy wife Betty tells me that she loves me
because we have history; and a very long and satisfying history it has been. Recently we
were walking along the ocean, something we have done innumerable times, and she tells
me that she has enjoyed our history together. It was a sweet moment, or should I say a sha-weet
moment, and history, our history was made all over again.
Marinade because I'm convinced that the kind of marinade our families soak in has a huge impact
for our future. Families that marinade in love and sacrifice for one another are really the best
tasting, if you know what  I mean? Working together, worshipping together, waltzing together in
kindness and patience, prefering one another is the kind of marinade we were meant to soak in.
A good long, life long soaking in this marinade adds to the savour of your family.
Seasonings, well because a good marinade must be well seasoned. Season your  family marinade
with faith, charity, and hope. Add to it peace, gentleness, goodness, patience, joy, long-suffering
holiness, and self-control. Do this and you will have a delicious marinade for your family to soak
in, and after awhile you will begin to taste a difference.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Happy February

Hey, happy February to you my friends.
Uncle Donnie has been quite busy on account of  a lot of stuff has been
going on, you know what I mean? What with my work and my play and
other important interests, life has been busy, what can I say? Been reading
some good stuff recently; another book by Jeremiah Burroughs, Gospel
Fear. I'm finishing Martin Lloyd-Jones treatment of the Sermon on the Mount,
which has been a tremendous read, and still pluggin away at Eidersheims The
Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, a thousand pager that I'm about a third
engaged . For Christmas my trophy wife Betty bought me two good mafia books,
one entitled The Last Testament of Bill Bonnanno, which I enjoyed, and The Weasel.
The Weasel tells the story of an informant, fink, rat, who helped the Canadian and
U.S. governments in several investigations. Reading is good, right?
So is eating, Uncle D likes to eat, whattayagonnado not eat?
Uncle Donnie

Friday, January 27, 2012

You Never Know Until You Know

Uncle Donnie has a favorite vodka,doo dah, doo dah,
and Uncle Donnie likes to drink it all the doo dah day.
Tito's is the name, handmade down there in Austin, Texas.
The Wine Enthusiast scores it at 95 out of a perfect 100.
Ketel one got a 89, Absolut an 84,with Grey Goose another 84.
Try some, I think you'll like it. Anything goes with Tito's,
you know what I mean?
Going out tonight with my trophy wife Betty. Gonna hear
some live music later and maybe hit the Happy Hour earlier.
It's all good, right. Maybe some appetizers and an adult bev
or six and spend some time with the Woods. Should be a fine
time, and who knows , maybe I'll wake up in Vegas tomorrow.
You never know until you know, capisci mi?
Be good,
Uncle D.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Bettys' Little Cribbitch

So last Saturday night, Betty, my trophy wife, and I had dinner with some very dear old friends
who live in the country. Betty had made a dinner and we took it to our friends house and shared
it with them there. Now this friend of mine whenever we see each other always tells me I remind
him of David Letterman. I always let him say it but this time I tell him, "you always say that about
me reminding you of Letterman, but I gotta disagree.....I'm funnier than David Letterman".
What could he say? I am funnier than Letterman! It reminded me of  the movie Braveheart, when
the Irishman wants to meet Wallace and even after being introduced he says,"this can't be Wallace,
I'm prettier than this man." Uncle Donnie is funnier and better looking than Letterman, you know
what I mean?
I made some clam chowder last week and we had our friends Takashi, the card whisperer, he ain't
no fugazi Woods, and his wife, the hellion, Mrs. Woods over for a little Friday dinner and cards.
We always have a ball when we get together.
Speaking of cards, Uncle Donnie is Bettys' official 'cribbitch'! Everytime she wins at cribbage!
WhattamIgonnado. Maybe one of these days I can find a game I can win......Betty says....
"Don't hold your breath".

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ima Late Bloomer

So after the movie the other night, I can't even remember the name of the movie, I find out
that my trophy wife Betty had acquired this movie from the red box system. You know, the
candy bar machine that shoots out movies instead of  Mounds Bars, that's the one. Well, the
snob that is Uncle D. comes out and I tell her no more candy machine movies, right. I say to her
that I don't want people seein her get movies from a soda pop machine, you know what I
mean? On and on Uncle Donnie goes on right? I won't stand anywhere near the thing if you get a
movie outta that bubblegum machine, that's it, finished, done. WhatamIgonnado, What am I
supposed to say, no more, fini, fuggetaboudit.
I went through the same thing about the 'store'. You know the 'store'. Maybe this might help
you.....Kirkland.....Costco.....the 'store'. I really am a snob, and it took a few years to get over it.
Like in the movie Moonstruck when Cher hadda tell Nicholas Cage to snap out of it; I hadda
snap out of it and become less of a snob, and let my trophy wife Betty shop at stores that I would'nt
step a foot in. Stores like Walmart and Winco; you know them stores, right, I thought you
might. I don't even like it when she brings me underwear from Fred Meyers, capisci mi?
I know, Uncle Donnie needs a lot of work, maybe even professional help.  Nah, I've always
been a late bloomer....it always just takes me a little longer, you know what I mean?
The future non-snob D.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Seven Days In Utopia

Hey, hows it goin,
Just got back from the coast. My trophy wife Betty and I took our youngest daughter to her
new school, Ecola Bible School, where she will attend for awhile. Who knows how long she
will be there? As long as it takes I guess. Uncle Donnie is taking a wait and see posture on
this whole thing, but one thing is for sure; when this kid starts something she usually finishes,
you know what I mean? She will probably play big sister to alot of these older girls, on
account of she is  a little older and wiser than her eighteen years might show. She is truely an
old soul in a young person. The thing is this school won't know what hit it, capisci mi? It's all
good, whattayagonnado?
So, after we get home, Betty and I play a little game of canasta to 5000.
Uncle D. played hard and manages a whopping 1540; Betty scores 4000 more than me.....
you do the math!
I hate that game. After that debacle we watched a pretty cool movie with Bob Duval called
Seven Days In Utopia, a great golf movie. I'm pretty sure Jesus would have you watch it.
It was very good.
Oh yeah, hadda lot of clam chowder the past coupla days and a few adult beverages. WhatamI-
gonnado, not have some? Fuggetaboudit, I had some. Just don't tell the good people at Hannahs
new school, you know what I mean?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Caretakers, Custodians and Stewards

   "There, then, is the way in which we can lay up treasures in heaven. It all comes back to
the question of how I view myself and how I view my life in this world. Do I tell myself
every day I live, that this is but another milestone I am passing, never to go back, never to
come again? I am pitching my moving tent 'a day's march nearer home'. That is the great
principle of which I must constantly remind myself---that I am a child of the Father placed
here for His purpose, not for myself. I did not choose to come; I have not brought myself
here; there is a purpose in it all. God has given me this great privilege of living in this world,
and if He has endued me with any gifts, I have to realize that, although in one sense all these
things are mine, ultimately, as Paul shows at the end of 1 Corinthians 3, they are God's.
Therefore, regarding myself as one who has this great privilege of being a caretaker for God,
a custodian and a steward, I do not cling to these things. They do not become the centre of
my life and existence. I do not live for them or dwell upon them constantly in my mind;
they do not absorb my life. On the contrary, I hold them loosely; I am in a state of blessed
detachment from them. I am not governed by them; rather do I govern them; and as I do
this I am steadily securing, and safely laying up for myself,'treasures in heaven'."
Martyn LLoyd-Jones on how we are to treat our gifts and possessions.
Uncle Donnie deemed it appropriate to focus early in this new year on such an important;
yay vital aspect of our  relationship to Christ'
Have a great New Year,