Uncle Donnie's Views from Under the Bus

Hi. I'm Uncle Donnie. My family throws me under the bus regularly. I've decided to prove them all right.

These are my views, opinions and dogma. They don't represent the views of anyone but me. Whaddya gonna do? Leave the gun, take the cannoli. Lean back, drink some chianti, and enjoy my views from under the bus.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Who Puts The Pot In PotPie

Uncle Donnie made a shrimp potpie last week and it was pretty good. I put the 'pot' in
potpie, you know what I mean? Schmoogly Peirson made the pie dough to help me out a little, and then we ate it! Whattayagonnado, not eat it? fuggetaboudit, we ate it!
Hey, do not try the new beer on the market, it's called Heiferbison, and it will really put the pounds on, I swear on my families honor, this stuff will get you!
Uncle D has been reading a new book this week called Crazy Love by a Pastor guy from
Cali. by the name of Francis Chan. I'm uncertain about whether or not I like this book,
but I'm gonna finish it, even though the author is still alive. I really prefer dead guy
authors, you know what I mean? I told you about Burroughs book, Gospel Conversation,
did'nt I? Now thatsa book!I'm gonna finsh it tonight,but will reread in a coupla months,
on account of it is a very challenging work, and I need to be challenged. I might not
be up to the challenge, but I still need the challenge, if you unnastand my meaning?
Sorry to finish so abruptly, but my favorite show is about to start. It's called The
Real Househeifers of Eagle Creek.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Swimming in a pool of peach bellini

So Sunday we had our friends over for an afternoon visit. The Stangleys; you remember,
our friends from Eagle Creek. They have four daughters remember? All women! Really
great people, Uncle D. loves them alot. Anyways, we hadda nice brunch, I made marinara,
fried up some sausages with peppers and onions, fried some potatoes, and some over-easy
eggs, some rosemary bread toast, and some mimosas' to wash it all down with. It wassa
joosta a nice meal and a great time to catch with up great friends. We talked religion and politics, and about books we had been readin. We talked family and travel, and alot
more stuff...it was a good day, you know what I mean? Did I mention that we laughed alot?
Hey, we laughed alot. Laughter is good anytime right?
Crying is important for many reasons, but laughing until you're crying is like being
dipped in a trough of fresh spumoni, or like swimming in a pool of peach bellini, or
like sleeping in a bed of fresh basil and rosemary, and waking up to all the gelato youse could get youse hands on, capisci?
It's like when grandaughter Lily told her mom recently.....Don't get sad mommie, get
glad! That mi amici is funny, and made Uncle D. laugh out loud!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

If it ain't coke don't mix it!

Uncle D. recently finished the autobiography of Lucky Luciano entitled the Last
Testament of Lucky Luciano. Now for those of you who don't recognize this guys name, I will tell you he was the true father of organized crime, for he was the one who organized
all the factions, and indeed was the leader for many years.
Both Lucky(Salvatore Lucania) and Frank Sinatra could boast...Io sono Siciliano....I am
Sicillian; whatta schocker, right? In fact they were both from the same town in the hills
of Sicily, one Lercara Friddi, located in the core territory of the Mafia. Not far from this little villiage was the the town of Corleone, a community credited with the breeding
of more future American mafiosi than any other place in Sicily.
Anyways, I enjoyed readin it. Wanted to read it for some time, you know what I mean?
Coupla months ago our Pastors wife gave a little sermom on Mothers day, and in it she
posed this question; if you could invite for dinner any deceased person from history,
who would you choose? I know! It sounded weird to me too, at first. Then I began to
consider all the possiblities that interested me, you know the obvious, parents, grand
parents, friends, loved ones, the Apostles, Mickey Mantle, all those great Puritan guys,
and the list goes on and on, right? Call me crazy, but I'd like to sit down and share a
meal with a guy like Luciano, or Capone. Meyer Lansky would work as well would Joe
(bananas)Bonnano, or Tony Accardo from Chicago. That would be quite a meal, you know
what I mean?
My advice to you in closing would sound something like this:
Just as if it ain't broke don't fix it, then, if it ain't coke don't mix it!
And when mums the word, then rums the word!
A Dopo
Uncle D.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This Ain't Jr. League Soccer

Uncle Donnie wants to know where the summer went? I mean, hear it is the second week of
August already, and nothing much has been going on, you know what I mean? Sure, we've
played alotta cards and dominoes; yeah, I said dominoes! I hate those dom daminoes!
Maybe its just the foul mood D. is in, on account of D. can't win at anything lately.
My trophy wife Betty has been beatin me in cribbage, canasta, and dominoes...sheesh!
Did I say I hate those dom daminoes? Dominoes is a good game to play if you can have
two or seven adult bevs; especially if Schmoogli(the little s--- Pierson) is playin, you
know what I mean? Other than that, a poke in the eye with a sharp swizzle stick would
be more fun. Fuggetaboudit paisan!
Coupla weeks ago though, we went on a overnigther with Takashi, he aint no fugazi,
the Japanese ATM Woods and Mrs. Woods. Oh yeah, third daughter B. and cousin Schmoogli
tagged along too. We headed to the Rondiserous restaurant for a sangwich and a coupla
raspberry lemonades, and then proceeded over the mountain to Kahneeta Resort...Marone,
Uncle D. was in his element! What can I say? I will summarize: Golf,swimming,food,
Indian fry bread, drinks around the pool, and dominoes(not really an old timers game).
We hadda lot of fun. We ran into a new drink over there called something on the beach,
sex on the beach to be accurate...s.o.t.b.. Perfect on a hot day,whattayagonnado?
I know its a ladies drink, but this aint exactly little league we're talkiin here,
I mean this ain't jr. soccer, capisci mi?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Grace and Corruption Mingled

So Schmoogli Pierson has been here for about a week now. Its all good she's fun to have
around, although, I think her and third daughter and former editor Buggles could find
a lot of trouble if left to themselves, you know what I mean? Girls will be girls,whatta
ya gonna do?
This past Tuesday we finished a year long study of a book by Thomas Watson; A Godly Mans
Portrait. We hadda good time with a good book from an old dead guy, Marone, I really
like those kind of books! Here is a little taste for you to dip your beak in:
"There are, in the best of saints, interweavings of sin and grace: a dark side with the
light; much pride mixed with humility; much earthliness with heavenliness. Grace in the
godly smacks of an old crabtree stock.
No, in many of the regenerate there is more corruption than grace. So much smoke that
you can scarcely discern any fire; so much distrust that you can hardly see any faith
(1Sam.27:1); so much passion that you can hardly see any meekness. Jonah, a peevish
prophet, quarrels with God, no, he justifies his passion:"I do well to be angry, even
unto death(Jonah4:9). Here there was so much passion that it was hard to see any grace.
A Christian in this life is like a glass that has more froth than wine, or like a
diseased body that has more fluids than vigour. It may humble the best to consider how
much corruption is interlarded with their grace."
