Uncle Donnie's Views from Under the Bus

Hi. I'm Uncle Donnie. My family throws me under the bus regularly. I've decided to prove them all right.

These are my views, opinions and dogma. They don't represent the views of anyone but me. Whaddya gonna do? Leave the gun, take the cannoli. Lean back, drink some chianti, and enjoy my views from under the bus.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Messages, Messengers, And Methods

So Betty and I went to a new church today and enjoyed the worship services. The pastor
guy had a good sermon,and the music was good. We had actually listened to a few of the
pastor guys sermons previously and  liked what he had to say and how he delivered it. It's funny sometimes how the method is as important as the message and how sometimes the message is
blurred by the messenger, you know what I mean? I mean sometimes two different pastor
guys, preaching the same sermon, could elicit very different responses; whattayagonnado?
Anyways, this guy said something so true I actually remembered......he said"we don't derive
our identity from things we have done or by things done to us in the past, but our identity is
derived from what Jesus has done for us and in us....and in this we find who we really are!"
Obviously, you haven't the context for that statement,but it rings true anyway, right'
It reminded me of the old hymn, Only Trust Him:
Come every soul by sin oppressed
There is mercy with the Lord
And He will surely give you rest
By trusting in His Word
Only trust Him, Only trust Him,Only trust Him now
He will save you, He will save you, He will save you now


Thursday, February 23, 2012

I Like Peaches

So lets talk about peaches! Seems like a good idea to talk about peaches, right? Why not
talk about peaches? Uncle Donnie likes peaches! Plain and simple peaches are the  best and
D. could eat them every day. Like Golum and his 'precious', Donnie has his 'peaches', what
can I say ? Was it Steve Miller who said,"really like your peaches, want to shake your tree".
That may be another story, but it does'nt take away from the real issue that peaches  are the
bomb, you know what I mean? One of my favorite R&B groups was Peaches and Herb,
remember that duo......."reunited coz it feels so good, reunited coz you understood.....there's
one perfect fit and sugar this one is it"; remember that . Fuggetaboudit, that was music, you
know what I mean?
Hey, did youse know that there are seven food groups? That's right seven: Pizza, Pasta,
Provelone, Pancetta, Pecorino, Pistachio, Parmesano and Pesca(peaches), and gum; which
makes eight, but who's counting capisci mi? And you thought there were only four food
groups......snap out of it already! In Uncle Donnies world  anything can happen and usually
does. Marone, it ain't easy being Uncle Donnie......you know what I mean?

Peaches Rock

Thursday, February 16, 2012

In A State Of Nature

Thing is our lives(me and Betty) have been a little different lately on account of us
being empty nesters and all, you know what I mean? With our youngest daughter off
away at college things have been , well, a little quieter for one thing and a whole lot more
private, if you get my meaning, My trophy wife Betty even asked me the other day, "what did
we do before we had kids"? I did'nt say it, but I felt like saying, oh you mean when  Coolidge
was President? Whattaya think we did? You chased me naked all around the house after work,
day in and day out for years! I mean ain't that what everybody did when Coolidge was President?
Fuggetaboudit! I mean seriously, nakedness was a part of our pre-kids life, and chances are(thanks
J. Mathis) nakedness will be a part of our post-kids life. I mean naked is as naked does, right?
Forgive me, should I offend your sensibilities, and please don't run off in a huff,
Just because Uncle D  likes to live in the buff.
Remember it ain't against the law to spend a little time in the raw.
Howsabout this one.......there is no crudity regarding nudity!
One for the times.....check the weather when you go out in the altogether.
That should just about cover it, you know what I mean?
Marone, that should get me to the couch tonight!

Nice knowin ya'
Uncle Donnie

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

History And A Well Seasoned Marinade

Uncle Donnie has been pondering three words lately; the word history, the word marinade,
and the word seasonings. History because my trophy wife Betty tells me that she loves me
because we have history; and a very long and satisfying history it has been. Recently we
were walking along the ocean, something we have done innumerable times, and she tells
me that she has enjoyed our history together. It was a sweet moment, or should I say a sha-weet
moment, and history, our history was made all over again.
Marinade because I'm convinced that the kind of marinade our families soak in has a huge impact
for our future. Families that marinade in love and sacrifice for one another are really the best
tasting, if you know what  I mean? Working together, worshipping together, waltzing together in
kindness and patience, prefering one another is the kind of marinade we were meant to soak in.
A good long, life long soaking in this marinade adds to the savour of your family.
Seasonings, well because a good marinade must be well seasoned. Season your  family marinade
with faith, charity, and hope. Add to it peace, gentleness, goodness, patience, joy, long-suffering
holiness, and self-control. Do this and you will have a delicious marinade for your family to soak
in, and after awhile you will begin to taste a difference.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Happy February

Hey, happy February to you my friends.
Uncle Donnie has been quite busy on account of  a lot of stuff has been
going on, you know what I mean? What with my work and my play and
other important interests, life has been busy, what can I say? Been reading
some good stuff recently; another book by Jeremiah Burroughs, Gospel
Fear. I'm finishing Martin Lloyd-Jones treatment of the Sermon on the Mount,
which has been a tremendous read, and still pluggin away at Eidersheims The
Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, a thousand pager that I'm about a third
engaged . For Christmas my trophy wife Betty bought me two good mafia books,
one entitled The Last Testament of Bill Bonnanno, which I enjoyed, and The Weasel.
The Weasel tells the story of an informant, fink, rat, who helped the Canadian and
U.S. governments in several investigations. Reading is good, right?
So is eating, Uncle D likes to eat, whattayagonnado not eat?
Uncle Donnie