Uncle Donnie's Views from Under the Bus

Hi. I'm Uncle Donnie. My family throws me under the bus regularly. I've decided to prove them all right.

These are my views, opinions and dogma. They don't represent the views of anyone but me. Whaddya gonna do? Leave the gun, take the cannoli. Lean back, drink some chianti, and enjoy my views from under the bus.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hold Your Nose And Vote For.........

Hey it's late September and I really should be back at school.Steal my daddys cue and make
a livin playin pool. Thanks to you Rodney Stewart. Uncle Donnie always kinda liked
Rodney Stewart, you know what I mean?
Gotta few things for your consideration. First thing is what are beets good for anyway. They
taste like dirt, am I right? You can take the beets outta the earth, but you can't take the earth
outta the beets! See where I'm goin here. Raw, cooked, boiled, anyway you have them
they always taste like dirt.
Second thing is this upcoming presidential thing, right? Well, my advice to you is to hold
your nose and vote for the Mormon, I mean the republican. Even with a name like Mitt, I
doubt he could catch a break here and win. I really don't want four more yrs. of comrade
Obama though, capisci mi?
Last thing is I heard about this young mother recently who tried to kill two birds with
one stone and attached a swiffer mop to her crawling crumb cruncher(read little one).
She figured she might as well get her floors done and exercise the little bambino,


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Move Like Jagger

Hey, how you doin?
Long time no see. Whattaya been doin with yourselves lately?
Me, I've been busy with this thing and that thing. You know what I mean?
Went to see my people on the east coast recently; you know family stuff,
grandkids,daughter, son-in-law, food. It was all good. Had some good arancini
in Cape Cod Mass.. Heard this story about how my grandaughter  is such
an efficient 'pooper'. Apparently, she gets in the bathroom and gets her business
done very quickly. Her dad was saying how he wished he could poop that  effeciently!
We all laughed at his telling the story but all I could think of was that Adam Levin
tune, I gotta move like Jagger.Uncle D bein who he is was hearing in his mind.....
I gotta poop like Lily, I gotta poop like Lily,oooooooo, poop like Lily.
Probably gonna get some grief about this retelling.
Fuggetaboudit! Whats done is done. I can't take it back.
Anyways the chowdah and the lobstah was ahsome(read awesome).
Uncle D.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

I've Been Everywhere Man

Hows come every time Uncle Donnie listens to the radio or the T.V. all he
seems to hear about is trouble in the Muslim world. I mean I've just about jihad
enough already. Now the Libyans have killed our ambassader and four others, and
destroyed our embassy there to their shame. Shame on you, you heathen sons of Esau.
Your blood should be running in the streets of Tripoli, this very hour for what you have done.
Better just leave it there Don. Don't you think?
Have you heard about Scarbucks coffee? It'll leave a mark on you, you know what I mean?
How do I know this thing?
Well, I've been everywhere man, in my underwear man. I've been everywhere man
Without my underwear man. I've been everywhere.
Thanks to John Cash for the inspiration.
Gonna play some no-limit Scrabble later on.
Uncle Donnie